Rob is joined by Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe in the aftermath of the the Ellis situation as Robinson and Powell discuss what John what just happened.
Rob is joined by Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe in the aftermath of the the Ellis situation as Robinson and Powell discuss what John what just happened.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute still isn’t back for this weeks final episode, so once again, we called in Relief Pitcher Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast who is back with Rob to see the final minute of the week and subsequently of Ellis’ life.
With Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute still unable to join Rob today Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast once again fills in as they continue to break down Ellis’ plan as he drinks a coke and feels very confident about making this deal.
Since Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute unfortunately couldn’t make it back today, Rob was joined instead at the last moment by Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast to discuss the beginning of the conversation between John and Ellis.
This week’s guest Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute returns as Ellis continues to explain his plan and John tries to fire down a thousand year old Twinkie.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute joins Rob this week as Ellis makes a deal with Hans.
Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast is back to finish off Week 16 with Rob as Ellis tries to make a deal.
Argyle reacts to John’s response Robinson as Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast returns to discuss this scene with Rob.
Thornberg makes sure he got the shot as Rob is joined again by Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast.
Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast is back again with Rob as we get to see the explosion and its aftereffects.
Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast joins Rob as the terrorists take another shot at the RV causing John to contemplate how to intervene.
Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute is back to finish off the week as Alexander gets the RV in his sights.
Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute is back with Rob to try and figure out the mystery of the disappearing candy bar as the tension continues to grow.
Rob is again joined by Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute as both sides get ready for their first confrontation.
Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute joins Rob today and they have a looong conversation about roses and different kinds of candy.
As W14 comes to a close, the terrorists get ready for the assault as guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai and Rob discuss in more depth some of plot holes in the movie and perhaps why they are there.
As the police get ready to begin their assault, guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai notices with Rob how illuminating 3 lonely cigarettes can be.
Rob is again joined by Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai as Argyle begins to get a grasp of what’s goin’ on.
Guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai is back with Rob as Holly and Hans begin to negotiate terms with one another for the comfort of the hostages.
Rob is joined this week by last minute replacement guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai as Robinson and Powell continue to argue about the accuracy of the info from John and Hans meets the new Nakatomi boss.