Rob returns with David of BluePrint: Review as George bumps into numerous citizens of Bedford Falls on his trek home.
Rob returns with David of BluePrint: Review as George bumps into numerous citizens of Bedford Falls on his trek home.
David of BluePrint: Review rejoins Rob as Gower realizes his error after tasting the poison powder.
David of BluePrint: Review joins Rob this week as Gower finds out that George didn’t do his job and reacts in a very violent way.
Jim O’Kane of finishes off Week 2 with Rob as George and Mr. Potter have their first (of numerous) altercations.
Jim O’Kane of and Rob discuss the work of pharmacists, typewriters and Covid 1.0 from 1919.
Rob is joined again by Jim O’Kane of as George tells Mary (and the viewer) his plans for his life which seems to involve lots of coconut.
Jim O’Kane of returns with Rob as the plot thickens in the drug store/soda shoppe as Violet and Mary vie for the clueless George.
Jim O’Kane of joins Rob this week as George and his friends create a chain in order to save young Harry.
Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film returns with Rob to conclude Week 1 while they discuss the hazards of playing on thin ice.
Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film returns with Rob as Franklin, Joseph and Clarence continue to discuss the grave situation that faces George Bailey.
Rob is once again is joined by Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as the scene changes from worried townspeople to celestial discussions.
Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is back with Rob as the opening credits end and we find the people of Bedford Falls praying for someone named George Bailey.
I’m back from my hiatus and am joined by Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as we dissect the first credit minute of Season 6’s chosen movie – It’s A Wonderful Life.