Rob returns with DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews as a Finnish wrestler turned Parliament member gets concerned by the bomb.
Month: July 2024
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews joins Rob as Kevin Bacon’s Brother-in-law waits for an answer from Simon.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews joins Rob as John and Zeus decide to change professions.
Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts is back with Rob to finish off the week, but Zeus has some issues with leaving the briefcase.
Rob and Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts are back with John and Zeus in the park as Simon gives new instructions.
Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts tries to explain to Rob and the audience what really happened with the jugs of water task.
Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts joins Rob as Zeus and John continue to argue about how to solve this riddle.
Rob and Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts find themselves in Tompkins Square Park with John and Zeus getting instructions for their newest task.
Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show and Rob finish off Week 12 as John and Zeus seek out a pachyderm.
Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show returns with Rob as the Skid Steers start collecting Gold Bricks.
Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show is back with Rob as Katya deals with the security guard and is then stopped by Simon.
Rob and Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show debate whether to play darts in order to avoid getting caught by Simon and his men.
Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show joins Rob this week as Felix get put to sleep by a futuristic injection.
Jon Parker of The BatMinute and Rob end Week 11 by seeing the heavy machinery in action.
Jon Parker of The BatMinute returns with Rob as we get a gruesome final look at Walsh.
Rob is back with Jon Parker of The BatMinute as Simon’s men bring out the heavy equipment.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast and Rob stand by and watch the journalistic spectators trying to understand where all the cops went.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast joins Rob during the double celebration of the anniversary of starting this podcast along with reaching the milestone 800th episode.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast returns with Rob in order to watch the cops scurry around like ants.
Rob is back with Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast as Cobb briefs the cops nearby including a former Presidential Cabinet Member.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast joins Rob as Simon begins to play a guessing game.