Niall McGowan of The BatMinute is back with Rob to finish off the week as Dewindt speaks up about what happened.
Month: January 2025
Niall McGowan of The BatMinute and Rob get to the rally point and find far too many injured and dead soldiers.
Niall McGowan of The BatMinute is back with Rob as Miller and Upham discuss finances and betting.
Rob returns with Niall McGowan of The BatMinute as Miller continues his Literature class.
Niall McGowan of The BatMinute joins Rob as Miller and Upham begin to discuss American Literature.
Eddie Eith of WickedTheory is back with Rob to finish off Week 14 as the men talk about their sleeping habits to help pass the time.
Sam Edwards of Running Historian joins Rob again as Miller and the men continue to talk into the night.
Sam Edwards of Running Historian is back with Rob as Miller and Mike discuss the crux of the theme of this film; the worth of one man.
Rob and Sam Edwards of Running Historian watch as Mike and Miller reminisce about their men and how much they mean to them.
Sam Edwards of Running Historian returns with Rob as the men enjoy the quality time in the silent church.
Rob is joined by Sam Edwards of Running Historian as Miller and Hamill discuss the current situation and what benefits there are to their work as officers.
Rob is back with Eddie Eith of WickedTheory as Miller and his men try and find some news clues regarding the real Ryan.
Eddie Eith of WickedTheory returns with Rob as they all try to figure out what to do with this crazy situation.
Rob is back with Eddie Eith of WickedTheory as Ryan begins to take in the horrible news that doesn’t make any sense.
Eddie Eith of WickedTheory joins Rob as the men and Miller begin to deal with finally finding Ryan.
Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute is back again to finish off the week with Rob as they both attempt to find acting connections between this movie and Alex’s franchise.
Rob and Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute watch as a wooden plank reveals stuff that no one expected.
Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute returns with Rob as the men follow Hill’s lead through the town.
Rob returns with Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute as they all continue to find ways to deal with the repercussions of not following orders.
Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute joins Rob this week as the men and family deal with the repercussions of the sniper’s work.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe returns to finish off the week with Rob as the German sniper tries to find a new target.
The men continue to seek cover from the unknown sniper as Jackson gives them some pointers on what makes a talented sniper while Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe joins Rob again.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe returns with Rob as the men try and find a way to help the wounded Caparzo.