Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 095 – Yadda Yadda Yadda

Rob finishes off Week 19 with Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery as John and Zeus attempt a high wire act in order to stop Simon before the bomb detonates.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 094 – Very Analog Man

Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery returns with Rob as as Charlie tries to remind us that this film series is Christmas adjacent.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 093 – Hodge Podge Enough

Rob is joined again by Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery as John begins to count his blessings and his coins.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 092 – Spinal Tap Rules

Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery is back with Rob as the janitor checks the rooms concurrently with John checking on Mischa and Erik.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 091 – All or Nothing

Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery joins Rob along with special guests Niall McGowen of The BatMinute and Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast as John tries to find a solution on how to stop the Truck chasing him and Zeus on the Saw Mill River Parkway.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 090 – Peach Fuzz

Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes returns with Rob to finish off Week 18 as everyone tries to keep the kids of the fictional Chester A. Arthur Elementary school as calm as possible.


Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 089 – Historic Western

As John and Zeus try to survive an attack on the Saw River Mill parkway as Rob in joined once again by Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 088 – YouCatastrophe

Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes and Rob watch as John is shot out of the shaft like a geyser.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 087 – Moonshiners Turn

As John attempts to avoid the coming tidal wave, Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes returns with Rob.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 086 – Wiggle Loose

Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes joins Rob as John begins to suspect that something is a bit strange as he heard something loud coming towards him.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 085 – Standard Villain Playbook

Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast is back to finish off the week with Rob as Simon makes a decision on what to do with John.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 084 – Being an Actoor

Simon is surprised by John as Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast and Rob get a graphic description of what McClane plans to do to Simon.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 083 – Awesome Technology

Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast returns with Rob as the cops start to search the school.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 082 – You Can Never Have Enough Jerry

As the cops converge on Chester A. Arthur School, Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast is back with Rob as the fruits and vegetables go flying.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 081 – Trivial Pursuit Trivia

Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast and Rob join Jerry the truck driver as they discuss lots and lots of extraneous trivia.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 080 – Criminal Caravan

Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST rejoins Rob as John checks out the suspicious truck in the aqueduct.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 079 – Docent on a Tour

Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST and Rob get a history lesson from Jerry, the truck driver.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 078 – Dictionary Definition

Rob is back with Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST as John gets information about the path of the Aqueduct all the way to the Catskills.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 077 – Demolition Man Foam

Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST is back with Rob as Zeus and John learn to fly.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 076 – Streaming Jockeys

Rob is joined this week by Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST as Simon decides to raise the stakes and the havoc he can commit.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 075 – 7th Dimension Chess

Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe joins Rob again to end the week as Simon tries to get an update from Karl’s corpse.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 074 – Dick Tracy Logic

Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe rejoins Rob as John tries to explain to Cobb on an early 90’s cellphone what is really happening.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 073 – Arc of Zeus

Rob is back with Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe as John and Zeus continue to argue in the car.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 072 – A Willis Choice

Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe returns with Rob as Zeus discovers a way to pay his nephews college tuition and then some.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 071 – Parabola of Die Hards

Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe joins Rob as Zeus and John wait for the other shoe to drop.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 070 – Doin a Robocop

DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews finishes off Week 14 with Rob as McClane shows Captain America how to do it properly in an elevator.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 069 – Fan of Bert

As John get into the elevator with four mutants, DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviewsis back with Rob to watch what happens.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 068 – Kojak and McClane

Rob returns with DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews as a Finnish wrestler turned Parliament member gets concerned by the bomb.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 067 – Baconitis

DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews joins Rob as Kevin Bacon’s Brother-in-law waits for an answer from Simon.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 066 – You Just Killed Anne Hathaway

DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews joins Rob as John and Zeus decide to change professions.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 065 – Nonsensical Faith

Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts is back with Rob to finish off the week, but Zeus has some issues with leaving the briefcase.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 064 – His Name Will Be Torgo

Rob and Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts are back with John and Zeus in the park as Simon gives new instructions.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 063 – Save The Cat

Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts tries to explain to Rob and the audience what really happened with the jugs of water task.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 062 – Cut to Commercial

Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts joins Rob as Zeus and John continue to argue about how to solve this riddle.


Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 061 – Buffer Time

Rob and Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts find themselves in Tompkins Square Park with John and Zeus getting instructions for their newest task.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 060 – More Diehardish

Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show and Rob finish off Week 12 as John and Zeus seek out a pachyderm.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 059 – Militaristic Precision

Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show returns with Rob as the Skid Steers start collecting Gold Bricks.


Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 058 – Control These Elements

Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show is back with Rob as Katya deals with the security guard and is then stopped by Simon.


Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 057 – X Cross

Rob and Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show debate whether to play darts in order to avoid getting caught by Simon and his men.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 056 – Ultimate Rewatchability

Alan Sanders of The Alan Sanders Show joins Rob this week as Felix get put to sleep by a futuristic injection.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 055 – Stop and Think

Jon Parker of The BatMinute and Rob end Week 11 by seeing the heavy machinery in action.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 054 – Death Slide

Jon Parker of The BatMinute returns with Rob as we get a gruesome final look at Walsh.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 053 – The Gruber Method

Jon Parker of The BatMinute return with Rob as one of the guards starts to get suspicious.


Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 052 – Breaking the Character

Rob is back with Jon Parker of The BatMinute as Simon’s men bring out the heavy equipment.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 051 – The Apple is Key

Jon Parker of The BatMinute joins Rob this week as Simon is joined by 5 hefty ‘businessmen’.


Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 050 – Collect and Protect

Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast and Rob stand by and watch the journalistic spectators trying to understand where all the cops went.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 049 – Welcome to 800!

Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast joins Rob during the double celebration of the anniversary of starting this podcast along with reaching the milestone 800th episode.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 048 – Justification For the Angle

Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast returns with Rob in order to watch the cops scurry around like ants.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 047 – Rounding Down

Rob is back with Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast as Cobb briefs the cops nearby including a former Presidential Cabinet Member.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 046 – Easy Number One

Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast joins Rob as Simon begins to play a guessing game.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 045 – Simple Pitch

Niall McGowen of The BatMinute is back with Rob as they finish Week 9 with a conference call.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 044 – Screamo Emo

Niall McGowen of The BatMinute and Rob get a flashback as the true identity of Simon is revealed.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 043 – Can’t Do the La La La’s

Niall McGowen of The BatMinute joins Rob as the Feds start to show the dossiers of the suspected adversaries.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 042 – Vagueries

Niall McGowen of The BatMinute and Rob get an FBI briefing as join not only chews the scenery but also his hand.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 041 – Toughest Piece of Crap

Niall McGowen of The BatMinute joins Rob, Zeus, McClane, Cross, Jarvis and Cobb in a clandestine meeting in a van.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 040 – Beverly Hills Cop Pile Up

Rob and Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth finish off Week 8 while spectators with popcorn take in the events down below.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 039 – Theme of Bro

Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth is back with Rob as pandemonium ensues in the subway following the explosion.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 038 – Bar o’clock

Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth rejoins Rob as the train manages to activate the transmitter when it rolls on by.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 037 – Ambidextrous Word

As John finds the booby-trapped Bomb and starts to run with it, Rob is back with Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth to see what happens.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 036 – Cornucopia of Stuff

Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth joins Rob as John looks for the bomb among sharks and Iced Tea.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 035 – Rosebud the Sled

To finish off Week 7, Jim O’Kane of is back with Rob as John continues his search on the train even in some very unorthodox places.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 034 – Name Streets

As John starts to search the train in 1994, Jim O’Kane of and Rob try to figure out when this story really takes place.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 033 – Levels on Top of Level

Jim O’Kane of is back with Rob as Zeus and John continue to try and get downtown as quickly as possible.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 032 – Feel the Anticipation

Rob returns with Jim O’Kane of as John makes a mess of Columbus Circle and some motorcycles.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 031 – Oscar For Logistics

Jim O’Kane of joins Rob this week as John tries to find a unique way out of the park which Zeus doesn’t particularly enjoy.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 030 – Stranger Danger

Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory is back with Rob as John and Zeus tear through Central Park with a cab.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 029 – Photographic Movie Memory

As Zeus hangs on for dear life, Rob is back with Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory as we get ready to enter Central park in ways no one ever imagined.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 028 – Inside Joke

Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory rejoins Rob as John commandeers a cab from a Daily Show alum.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 027 – Consistency of Tone

Rob is back with Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory as John and Zeus deal with a false alarm.



Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 026 – Stand Alone Zeus Adventure

Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory returns with Rob this season to try and decipher the riddle from Simon.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 025 – YippyKayfryaaee

J-Dub of Dubsism is back with Rob to finish off the week as John and Zeus get their first riddle from Simon.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 024 – Instant Death For Diabetics

Rob and J-Dub of Dubsism arrive with Jon and Zeus and start to jaywalk across 72nd and Broadway.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 023 – Big Kahuna Burger

J-Dub of Dubsism rejoins Rob as John tries to find a way to convince Zeus to stay and play.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 022 – Dinner Theater in Guantanamo

Rob and J-Dub of Dubsism are back together as Zeus declares to everyone that he wants no part of this game.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 021 – Bad Zsa Zsa Gabor Impression

J-Dub of Dubsism is back this season with Rob as John keeps trying to annoy Simon.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 020 – Playin the Long Game

Nick Rehak of Rabbit Hole Podcasts helps Rob complete Week 4 as John responds to Simon in a way that could annoy him a bit too much.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 019 – State Blankets

Nick Rehak of Rabbit Hole Podcasts and Rob deal with Cobb once again throwing John under the bus.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 018 – Excitable Energy

Nick Rehak of Rabbit Hole Podcasts rejoins Rob as Simon looks for some more company to join the party.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 017 – Visual Poem

Rob is back with Nick Rehak of Rabbit Hole Podcasts as Connie gets very angry at Charlie for making too much noise in the precinct.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 016 – Tension and Action

Nick Rehak of Rabbit Hole Podcasts joins Rob as the team try and figure out who is ‘Simon’.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 015 – Go the Extra Mile

Rob completes Week 3 with David of BluePrint: Review as the squad gets advice from a professional.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 014 – Scene That’s Given Life

David of BluePrint: Review joins Rob again as things start to get more violent before John and Zeus take a fast drive across town.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 013 – Oozes Cool

David of BluePrint: Review rejoins Rob as Zeus and John take a ride in a cab with a soccer ball.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 012 – Focus Pull

Rob is back with David of BluePrint: Review and Zeus tries to save John from the Boyz in the Hood.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 011 – My Only Niggle

David of BluePrint: Review joins Rob as Zeus and John have a confrontation on the street.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 010 – Movies That Manly Men Are Allowed to Cry To

Chris Henry of the Apollo 13 Minute rejoins Rob as Zeus finishes his conversation with his nephews about the importance of helping yourself.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 009 – Don’t Laser Our Helicopters

Chris Henry of the Apollo 13 Minute rejoins Rob as Zeus finishes his conversation with his nephews about the importance of helping yourself.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 008 – Coolest Uncle

Chris Henry of the Apollo 13 Minute is back with Rob as John starts to walk the streets and get some strange looks from passerby’s.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 007 – New York Traffic

Chris Henry of the Apollo 13 Minute is back with Rob as Michael Lee Merrins makes a u-turn and almost hits the curb.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 006 – Lets His New York Out

Rob is joined by Chris Henry of the Apollo 13 Minute as John gets some last minute instructions before reaching their destination.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 005 – Die Hard With a Cavendish

As the cops get ready to drop McClane off, Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film joins Rob to finish off Week 1.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 004 – Crumpled Heap of a Human

Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is back with Rob as Cobb gets an inkling as to what this mysterious caller might actually want from him.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 003 – Chameleonic

Rob is back with Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as the cops start to try and deal with the chaos of the situation and then get a mysterious phone call.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 002 – Washeteria

Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film joins Rob again as things start to move in the story even for the ‘doof’.

Season 07 - Die Hard With A Vengeance MxM Podcast

MovieRob Minute Season 07 – Die Hard With a Vengeance Minute – 001 – Good to Have Context

Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film once again joins Rob for the inaugural episode of another season; Season 7, where they start to Yippe-Kayee about Die Hard With A Vengeance.