Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is back with Rob to finish up and recap Season 5.
Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is back with Rob to finish up and recap Season 5.
Agent Palmer AKA Jason Stershic is back with Rob for this season’s penultimate episode as they review the whole movie and the (almost) final parts of the credits.
Rob is back with Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday as they get to the rolling cast credits and find a typo.
Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday returns with Rob to continue to peruse the credits of all the people who contributed to this film credited and uncredited.
Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday is back with Rob as they start to go thru the below the line credits.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast finishes off hos stint with Rob as Marvin drives away and brings up the beginning of the closing credits.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast is back with Rob on this special Sunday edition where Lorenzo gets giddy about creating confetti that might get John into hot water when he meets his in-laws.
Rob is once again with Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast on this special Saturday episode as the emergency crews take care of the injured.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast joins Rob today as Holly spots John and answers the age old question that every person loves to hear in a very strange way.
Rob is joined again by Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights as John gets closer to the plane with Holly in it as everyone cheers in the control tower.
Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights is back with Rob as the planes let out their chutes and passengers begin to disembark.
Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights joins Rob as the planes and tower begin to find new landing lights.
Rob is joined by Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights as John lights up more than just a cigarette.
Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery returns with Rob to finish off Week 22 as Stuart and John finish their fight with John taking a fall.
Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery is back with Rob as John and Stuart continue their melee on the wing.
Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery returns as McClane and Grant fight it out on the wing while pondering their friendship.
Rob is back with Dave Pallas of 5 Minutes of Mystery as Grant volunteers to be the one to stop McClane.
Rob finishes week 21 with Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes as a stunned Thornberg is escorted back to his seat.
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes rejoins Rob as the plane gets ready to take off and John tries to think of a way to stop them with a helicopter.
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes is back with Rob as the two military units finally join forces with one another.
Rob is once again joined by Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes as we get to see the repercussions of Holly’s actions.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Alan Sanders Show returns to finish off the week with Rob as chaos ensues in the terminal.
Rob is back with guest Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Alan Sanders Show as Marvin cheers as Lorenzo finally steps up!
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Alan Sanders Show is back with Rob as Thornberg spins a web of a tale via an upside down phone.
Rob is once again joined by Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Alan Sanders Show as Thornberg begins to cause more havoc.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Alan Sanders Show and Rob reveal one of the big surprises in the film as Mr. DeMorney is just as shocked as he gets a new neck tie.
Rob finishes off Week 19 with Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix, Con Air Pod and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast as Thornberg continues to cause problems in mid-air.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix, Con Air Pod and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast returns with Rob as John starts to figure things out.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix, Con Air Pod and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast is back as Stuart and his men try to stop John with lots of red tape.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix, Con Air Pod and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast is back with Rob as Stuart gives an order to play Joust.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix, Con Air Pod and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast is here this week to discuss snowmobiles with Rob as the bad guys try to use them as their getaway vehicles.
David of BluePrint: Review is back to finish the week with Rob as Stuart’s men get ready for a fight with lots of glass.
Rob is back with David of BluePrint: Review as Blue Light moves towards the Church dressed as bank robbers.
David of BluePrint: Review joins Rob as Baker and John have it out near the fake snow covered garbage cans.
Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts is back to finish off the week with Rob as John and Barnes wonder about Baker.
Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts is back with Rob as Barnes shows John blueprints and the local message board.
Rob is joined again by Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts as John gives his report while getting patched up and lit up.
Lisa Leaheey of RabbitHolePodcasts is with Rob this week as everyone watches an early Simpsons episode.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews is back with Rob to finish off the week as John gets lost in a canopy.
Rob is back with DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews as John’s life goes by him in slow motion as the multiple grenades land and take their time getting ready to explode.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews returns with Rob as Stuart decides to give John a funeral, military style.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews joins Rob this week as the wheels on the bus get closer and closer.
Rob finishes off the week with Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast as FM 1 gets ready for a landing at the closest available runway.
Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast is back with Rob as Stuart gives more demands with a counting up clock behind him.
Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast returns with Rob as Stuart and his men try to get their bearings.
Rob is back with Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast as John gets more info from Marvin.
Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast joins Rob as the window shatters from a stray magical bullet.
Rob finishes off the week with Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute as Marvin tries to show how street savvy he can be.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute returns with Rob as Marvin tries to start bargaining with his new coat.
Rob is joined by Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute as they deal with the way that the bad guys were listening in the the tower traffic all night long.
Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday returns with Rob to finish off the week as Barnes and the other engineers try to think of a solution.
Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday is back with Rob as two helicopters show up with Blue Light Team.
Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday rejoins Rob as Thornberg wakes up Victor and makes a request of him.
Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory finishes off the week with Rob as John looks down at a charred doll from the recently destroyed plane.
Rob is joined again by Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory as the destruction of Windsor 114 is much clearer.
Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory joins Rob as John beats himself up over the fact that he failed trying to help the plane land safely.
Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory is back with Rob as the crew of Windsor 114 realizes in horror where they are.
Hal Bryan of The Rocketeer Minute is back with Rob to finish off the week as the flight attendant on Windsor 114 comforts a weary passenger before landing.
Rob is joined again by Hal Bryan of The Rocketeer Minute as the men in the tower watch in horror as the ground level is changed by the bad guys.
Hal Bryan of The Rocketeer Minute is back with Rob as John listens tin to the latest threats from Stuart.
To finish off Week 10, Rob is once again joined by Jim O’Kane of TVDads.com as Thornberg gets a bit too close for comfort.
Jim O’Kane of TVDads.com is back with Rob on the 54th anniversary of Lunar Landing Day as the antenna array explodes, sending debris quite far.
Rob is joined again by Jim O’Kane of TVDads.com as Sheldon’s look alike is crushed.
Jim O’Kane of TVDads.com is back with Rob as John tries to find a way to topple Sheldon off of the scaffolding.
Jim O’Kane of TVDads.com joins Rob as the firefight continues and John does his best to try and save Barnes.
Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth ends the week with Rob as the SWAT team finds out who they are up against.
Rob is once again joined by Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth as the SWAT team and Barnes get closer to Endor.
Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth helps Rob go thru the arrivals and departures boards to verify authenticity.
Heather Baxendale of Word of (Hell)Mouth joins Rob this week as John checks out the basement and finds a bunch of (apparently) lost items.
Jess Rogers returns with Rob as John does a disappearing act and seeks a way to help his wife’s plane elsewhere.
Rob is back with Jess Rogers as John attempts to escape from the elevator.
Jess Rogers returns with Rob as John, Lorenzo and Trudeau try to come to terms with the new situation.
Rob is once again joined by Jess Rogers as Stuart continues his demands.
Jess Rogers joins Rob as everyone in the control tower react to a surprise call.
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST is back to finish off week 7 with Rob as unexplained pandemonium hits the control tower.
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST returns with Rob as the bad guys splice and chop into the network.
Rob is back with Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST as The Tower losses power and everyone scrambles to find an answer as to why.
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST is back with Rob as John tries to warn the Tower about an impending disaster.
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST joins Rob this week as McClane brings some new info to the control tower.
Rob is once again joined by Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute and Tronologically Speaking in order to finish up Week 6 as John shows how he is no longer ‘on the market’.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute and Tronologically Speaking is back with Rob as John looks at a strange dossier for the ‘stiff’.
As the weather starts to get more severe and National closes, Rob is back with Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute and Tronologically Speaking as the people in the tower try to decide what to do.
Rob is joined by Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute and Tronologically Speaking as Powell stuffs that final Twinkie in his mouth as he waits for the fax to come through.
As John continues to make himself comfortable in his new DC office, Rob is joined by Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute and Tronologically Speaking.
Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl is back to finish the week with Rob as we get some hints about Esperanza’s connection to Stuart as FM1 makes its way to Dulles.
Rob is once again joined by Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl as John gets his man (or is it hand?).
Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl returns today with Rob to discuss Rent-A-Car etiquette along with a looong story about a winter-y trip.
Rob is back with Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl as Lorenzo tries to break the F-Bomb record on this show. Does he manage it? Tune in to find out.
Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl joins Rob as Sipowitz/Lorenzo and John have it out about what one needs to do in this situation.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast and Rob frag their way thru the final episode of Week 4 as Stuart shows Miller what happens when one doesn’t follow orders.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast is back again with Rob to talk about geometry, pieces and AW MAN!!!!!
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast is back with Rob as they discuss Stones, Darth Maul and Restraining orders as Thornberg protests his seat assignment.
Rob is back again with Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast as John’s talks about a trip to Cleaveland while Holly deals with a new situation in the skies above.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast joins Rob today as the fight between John and Cochrane gets quite bloody and deadly.
Niall McGowen of The BatMinute is back to finish off Week 3 with Rob as John and Cochrane continue to fight it out and John begins to give ‘Rebel Yell’.
Niall McGowen of The BatMinute returns with Rob as McClane deals with a tag team of mercenaries during a gun battle in the darkest areas of the baggage claim.
Niall McGowen of The BatMinute rejoins Rob as a homeless extra gets a prominent role as the keymaster.
Niall McGowen of The BatMinute joins Rob this week as McClane deals with Vito again and Sam Coleman joins the film as she unsuccessfully tries to interview doppelgangers of the Justice Department.
Josh Horowitz of 5 Minutes of Banzai, 5 Minutes of Trouble and 12 Chimes, It’s Midnight returns to finish off Week 2 with Rob as the trio of soldiers get synced for action.
Rob and Josh Horowitz of 5 Minutes of Banzai, 5 Minutes of Trouble and 12 Chimes, It’s Midnight chime in about the weather situation as Garber gets an update in a Superman style phone booth.
Josh Horowitz of 5 Minutes of Banzai, 5 Minutes of Trouble and 12 Chimes, It’s Midnight and Rob deal with a visit to the church where Matlock gets in his final say on the renovations.
Rob is joined again by Josh Horowitz of 5 Minutes of Banzai, 5 Minutes of Trouble and 12 Chimes, It’s Midnight as McClane and Stuart get a quick face to face in the crowded airport.
Josh Horowitz of 5 Minutes of Banzai, 5 Minutes of Trouble and 12 Chimes, It’s Midnight joins Rob for Week 2 as Holly finds out about some electrifying technologies that can be carried onto an aircraft.
Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is back with Rob to finish off Week 1 as Stuart and his men get into the elevator.
Rob returns with Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as John tries to find an available pay phone among all of the nicely wrapped Christmas presents.
After more than a year of waiting, Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is finally hear to discuss naked Tai Chi with Rob.
Rob and guest Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film return as John watches his mother-in-law’s car being towed away after a confrontation with a not very sympathetic Mr. Tribbianni.
Jay Cluitt of The Con Air Podcast, the Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film joins Rob once again for week 1 of a new season as John tries to get himself out of a ticket.