Director Dana Nachman joins Rob as Al and John continue to strengthen their bond over the radio which John tries to use as a distraction.
David of BluePrint: Review is back to finish off Week 20 with Rob as John and Theo both need to find a way to deal with their new situations.
David of BluePrint: Review returns again with Rob as Hans shows his satisfaction and Karl his anger over their recent engagement with John.
Rob is again joined by David of BluePrint: Review as John tries to deal with lots of falling glass all around him.
David of BluePrint: Review is back with Rob as the firefight continues and John chalks up yet another kill along the way.
David of BluePrint: Review joins Rob as Hans thinks he has the upper hand and Fritz ends up paying for it.
Rob finishes off Week 19 with Jim O’Kane of as Hans shrugs off his history playing paintball and eventually reveals his true identity to John.
Jim O’Kane of joins Rob again as John tries to trick the stranger into giving away information, but Hans already has a backup plan.
John and Hans still try to outwit one another as Rob and guest Jim O’Kane of try to get a better understanding of it all.
Jim O’Kane of is back with Rob as Hans tries to fake out John into believing he is an escaped hostage.
Rob is joined this week by Jim O’Kane of as Hans checks out the explosives and gets a big surprise.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe is back to end Week 18 with Rob as the talking heads on TV incorrectly try to discuss what is probably happening between the hostages and the terrorists.
Rob is once again joined by Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe as John and Al try to figure out what Hans is up to.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe returns to discuss with Rob the strange demands of the terrorists that even baffles Karl.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe joins Rob as Robinson and Al’s argument gets interrupted by strange demands from Hans.
Rob is joined by Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe in the aftermath of the the Ellis situation as Robinson and Powell discuss what John what just happened.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute still isn’t back for this weeks final episode, so once again, we called in Relief Pitcher Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast who is back with Rob to see the final minute of the week and subsequently of Ellis’ life.
With Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute still unable to join Rob today Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast once again fills in as they continue to break down Ellis’ plan as he drinks a coke and feels very confident about making this deal.
Since Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute unfortunately couldn’t make it back today, Rob was joined instead at the last moment by Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast to discuss the beginning of the conversation between John and Ellis.
This week’s guest Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute returns as Ellis continues to explain his plan and John tries to fire down a thousand year old Twinkie.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute joins Rob this week as Ellis makes a deal with Hans.
Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast is back to finish off Week 16 with Rob as Ellis tries to make a deal.
Argyle reacts to John’s response Robinson as Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast returns to discuss this scene with Rob.
Thornberg makes sure he got the shot as Rob is joined again by Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast.
Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast is back again with Rob as we get to see the explosion and its aftereffects.
Bryon Lockhart of Hamilton Shot By Shot, The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast joins Rob as the terrorists take another shot at the RV causing John to contemplate how to intervene.
Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute is back to finish off the week as Alexander gets the RV in his sights.
Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute is back with Rob to try and figure out the mystery of the disappearing candy bar as the tension continues to grow.
Rob is again joined by Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute as both sides get ready for their first confrontation.
Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute joins Rob today and they have a looong conversation about roses and different kinds of candy.
As W14 comes to a close, the terrorists get ready for the assault as guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai and Rob discuss in more depth some of plot holes in the movie and perhaps why they are there.
As the police get ready to begin their assault, guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai notices with Rob how illuminating 3 lonely cigarettes can be.
Rob is again joined by Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai as Argyle begins to get a grasp of what’s goin’ on.
Guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai is back with Rob as Holly and Hans begin to negotiate terms with one another for the comfort of the hostages.
Rob is joined this week by last minute replacement guest Brett Stillo of 5 Minutes of Banzai as Robinson and Powell continue to argue about the accuracy of the info from John and Hans meets the new Nakatomi boss.
Enter the bureaucrat as Rob and guest Andrea Lohf, a Die Hard Scholar end week 13.
Die Hard scholar Andrea Lohf is back again with Rob as John and Al begin to get acquainted with one another.
As Die Hard scholar Andrea Lohf returns to talk with Rob, Al tries to communicate with whoever is willing to answer the call.
Thornberg causes strife in the newsroom with his threats as Rob is once again joined by Die Hard Scholar Andrea Lohf.
Rob is joined by Andrea Lohf, Die Hard Scholar as John tries very hard to hide his identity from Hans.
As Rob finishes his final day on location in Baltimore with Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday, John plays games with Hans who attempts to find out who he is. Tnx again to Nick for hosting me in his home this week!
Rob is again joined by Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday as Hans tries to calm his men down after someone breaks radio silence.
Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday returns today with Rob as John tries to think of a plan to get the policeman’s attention, 30+ stories below.
Rob is once again joined by Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday as Marco decides to reload and give John some good advice.. that he takes.
Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday is Rob’s guest/host as he spends a week on location in Baltimore. Today, John gets surprised by Marco and Heinrich.
Rob is at his final day in Boston with guest Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast while John tries to get the attention of the police car 30+ floors below him.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast once again hosts Rob in the Commonwealth as John looks at the gruesomely stained glass in the Nakatomi Board Room.
John gets ready to defend himself through the air grate as Rob is still hanging out in Boston with guest Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast.
As Karl get angry with the air vent, Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast once again hosts Rob in his house in Boston to discuss why.
Rob is on special assignment in Boston and is joined by Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast to try and figure out what John was thinking when he thought the gun strap could hold his weight.
Writer, Director and Composer Kurt Kuenne is back to finish off week 10 with Rob as Karl and Fritz look around for John who has thought of a new use for the machine gun strap which could be quite dangerous and problematic for him.
Rob is once again joined by Writer, Director and Composer Kurt Kuenne as McClane looks for a way out of a dead end so that he doesn’t become just a statistic by falling for 7 seconds at 9.8m per second.
Writer, Director and Composer Kurt Kuenne is back with Rob as Karl and Franco pursue John with lots of sparks while John finds a way to stop a very fast turbine with his Machine gun.
Writer, Director and Composer Kurt Kuenne returns to discuss gasoline prices with Rob as Al takes a look at the distant Nakatomi Building.
Writer, Director and Composer Kurt Kuenne joins Rob as John gets chased on the roof by Karl, Franco and Fritz while Al makes a pit stop at the AM/PM to get some essential Twinkies…. for his wife… she’s pregnant!
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes is back to finish off Week 9 with Rob, but he better be careful not to break any FCC laws along the way.
Rob is again joined by Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes as McClane tries to call for help from the roof.
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes return again to talk to Rob about Angry Karl, Calm Hans and some strange things hanging on the wall.
Rob is once again joined by Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes as John finds a way to keep track of who and what he has seen on this strange Christmas Eve.
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes joins Rob this week as Hans and Co. get Christmas Surprise via special elevator delivery from McClane.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute is back with Rob to end week 8 as John tries to decide what to do with Tony as Hans gets ready to talk to the hostages.
Rob once again is joined by Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute as John begins to rifle thru Tony’s possessions.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute returns with Rob as John and Tony get into it as they brawl around the room and end up at bottom of the flight of stairs.
Rob is once again joined by Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute as they talk Table Saws, Monty Python and What actors shouldn’t do when pretending to fire a gun.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute returns this season to discuss with Rob numerous topics including Dalmatians, Fire trucks and Monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane.
To finish off Week 7, Rob is once again with Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday as John tries to think of new ways to alert the authorities of the terrorist threat on Nakatomi.
Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday is back with Rob as Hans gets a briefing from Theo as to what is needed to get into the vault.
Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday returns to discuss with Rob why John seems to think that Argyle might hear the gunshot… 30+ stories below them.
Rob is back with Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday as Theo and Karl settle their bet after Takagi loses his head during his discussion with Hans.
Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday joins Rob this week as Hans and Takagi finally get down to business.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews is back to finish off week 6 with Rob as things start to become much clearer to both Takagi and to the audience.
Rob is once again joined by DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews as Takagi is brought in to the room to meet Hans’ associate, Theo.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviewsjoins Rob as we take a tour through the Nakatomi model museum of their previous and future endeavors.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews and Rob look on as Hans continues discussing Takagi’s dossier while looking suspiciously at everyone along the way including a coked-out Ellis.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews is Rob’s guest this week as Gruber begins to explain his plan to the terrified hostages.
Rob finishes off week 5 with guest Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory as John continues his recon of the upper floors of the building while Hans tries to silently quiet everyone down.
Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory returns to discuss with Rob a very important subject; nudity in films while a few of the ‘party guests’ gets poked, prodded and shoved by the terrorists.
Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory is back with Rob as the terrorists get ready to show themselves while a brotherly spat ensued in the basement.
As John makes ‘fists with his toes’, Rob is once again joined by Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory to discuss wires, wallets, Christmas presents and of course Argyle.
This week Rob is joined by Li’l Eddie O’Hare of WickedTheory as the terrorists begin to unleash their plan by starting to foil the phone company with pizza cutters and duct tape.
Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute finally made it thru Week 4 of this film despite not having seen any of the other minutes as he and Rob finally get to see Hans and his minions show up.
Karl finds an interesting way to surprise the second guard as Rob in once again joined by Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute.
The action and plot begin to thicken as Rob is joined by Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute as Theo tells a wild tale of a Lakers game he attended!
Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute is back with Rob as John and Holly continue to bicker about what a marriage is suppose to be.
Rob is joined by guest Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute as Holly and John continue their familial squabbling yet get interrupted by a frisky couple.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast returns to finish off Week 3 with Rob as John and Holly have a conversation about LA geography in Ellis’ private bathroom.
Rob is joined again by Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast as Holly and John finally meet awkwardly with a very public audience looking on.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast returns as John and Takagi wait in Holly’s office while Ellis attempts to make a Bolivian Deal.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast is back with Rob as John tries to take in the party, looking for Holly.
As John strolls thru the Nakatomi lobby on the way to the elevator banks, Rob is joined by Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast.
Tyler Howat of the Geek Card Check Podcast returns to finish off Week 2 with Rob as John enters the lobby and begins to converse with someone who looks far too much like John Larroquette.
As the limo turns into the Nakatomi Plaza, John and Argyle listen to some holiday tunes as guest Tyler Howat of the Geek Card Check Podcast once again joins Rob as they take it all in.
Tyler Howat of the Geek Card Check Podcast and Rob discuss the various benefits of having a former cabbie as a limo driver in LA in the 80’s and then put on some Holiday music along the way.
Tyler Howat of the Geek Card Check Podcast is back to join Rob in discussions related to limos, chatty drivers and ways to tell the audience what’s goin’ on.
Tyler Howat of the Geek Card Check Podcast joins Rob as John tries to find his bearings in the airport.
Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film comes back to finish off the week with Rob as Holly has a phone conversation with her daughter and the live-in housekeeper about presents and the state of the family guest room.
Rob is once again joined by Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as Ellis and Holly give a young Aaron Sorkin an idea for how to save time in scripts.
Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film returns to talk to Rob about classical music, smoking in the airport and what kind of services they provide at the Nakatomi Corporation for their employees.
Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is back again with Rob as they discuss airline etiquette, McClane’s brief conversation with a stewardesses and whether one can really make fists with their toes.
Happy 4th of July to one and all. Welcome to the inaugural episode of Season 3 of my Podcast. For the first week of Die Hard, I’m once again joined by frequent guest/co-host Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as we try to figure out why this film is so popular.
For the final episode of Season 2, Rob is once again joined by frequent guest/co-host Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as Bryant still tries to make a decision.
In today’s Penultimate episode of Season 2, Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast seems to be glutton for punishment as he returns for a third (and final) stint of discussions with Rob about the credits of this film.
Rob is joined for another minute of credits by Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast as they talk about some of the special thanks credits among some other intriguing ones.
Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast joins Rob as they trek thru the next full minute of the credits.
Rob is back with Director Dana Nachman as they start to go very deep into the first minute of the credits of the movie and find some very interesting crew assignments.
Dana Nachman joins Rob for the final few seconds of the story as the filmmakers use a typical 80-‘s freeze frame before the credits begin to roll.
Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl is back to watch a heartfelt reunion between Susan and Neal after a harrowing 3 days apart as Del lovingly looks on…
On this special Sunday episode, Rob is joined by Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl as Neal and Del join the rest of the family in anticipation of the big Thanksgiving meal.
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes is back to end Week 17 with Rob as two very happy men make it down the street of the suburbs of Chicago in search of turkey and stuffing.
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes returns again as Neal makes a realization about Del that he should have figured out a looong time ago.
Rob is joined once again by Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes as Neal dreams of the perfect Thanksgiving dinner with his family while reminiscing about his recent ordeal (trip) with Del.
Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes is back with Rob as Del and Neal make a tearful goodbye to one another (again?).
As Del and Neal finally approach Chicago, Rob is joined by Travis Bow of Reel Comics Heroes who notices something quite fascinating about the Chicago skyline.
Congrats again to this week’s guest Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast who found time during his busy schedule planning a wedding for later this afternoon to join Rob as Del and Neal once again begin their final (???) leg of their journey.
Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast gives Rob lots of information about this scene’s filming location which became even more popular 6 years after this movie came out when Groundhog Day (1993) premiered.
Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast joins Rob mid-week as Neal and Del get worried when a police car wants to pull them over.
Paul Francis Sullivan AKA Sully of the Bull Durham Minute is back with Rob as Neal and Del make their getaway from the El Rancho Motel.
Paul Francis Sullivan AKA Sully of the Bull Durham Minute joins Rob as Del and Neal try to get the car out of the snow bank it seems to be stuck in.
Austin Prior of the Malkovich Malkovich Minute Minute returns to finish off Week 15 with Rob as Neal and Del have a blast discussing the funny moments of their trip.
Austin Prior of the Malkovich Malkovich Minute Minute and Rob talk about how quickly this movie gets very serious when Del and Neal’s conversation takes a dramatic turn.
Rob and guest Austin Prior of the Malkovich Malkovich Minute Minute try to figure out where all the mini bottles of booze and Doritos have come from; tune in to find out.
Austin Prior of the Malkovich Malkovich Minute Minute is back with Rob as Neal begins to have a change of conscience and invites Del into the room.
Rob is joined by Austin Prior of the Malkovich Malkovich Minute Minute as Neal gets comfortable in his motel room with Del having to stay out in their freezing cold newly created ‘convertible’.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute is here to finish off the week with Rob as Del tries to use his sales skills on the Motel clerk.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute is back with Rob as Neal tries to barter his expensive watch for a place to sleep for the night.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute is back with Rob as Neal and Del arrive at the El Rancho Motel with a flaming car and burnt to a crisp credit cards.
Rob is joined again by Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute as Neal gets even more frustrated about the car situation when he realizes who actually paid for this burnt up rental car.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute joins Rob as Neal continues to rant about the flaming car nearby.
Heather Baxendale of The MILFCast is back with Rob to finish off the week as Del and Neal begin to laugh hysterically at the comedy of errors that has befallen them.
Rob is once again joined by Heather Baxendale of The MILFCast as Neal and Del realize that they are stuck 102 Miles from Chicago without a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes. It may be dark… but if they had sunglasses, it wouldn’t help at all.
Heather Baxendale of The MILFCast is back with Rob as Neal and Del try to get their bearings.
Heather Baxendale of The MILFCast is back with Rob as Neal and Del finally realize their error… but is it too late?
For Week 13, Rob is joined by Heather Baxendale of The MILFCast as they try and figure out along with Del and Neal what the words ‘wrong way’ really mean.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews is back with Rob to finish off the week as Del manages to put himself back together after his ordeal, but creates a new situation while doing just that.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews joins Rob again as Del’s magic parka causes him to get even more grief.
DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews and Rob return to watch Del try and do a Houdini act while taking his jacket off while driving through Southern Illinois.
This week’s guest DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews and Rob ‘mess around’ as John Candy plays an invisible keyboard on his dashboard.
Rob is joined this week by DJ Valentine of Simplistic Reviews as they discuss essential parts of an automobile and automatic adjustable seats.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast is back to finish off Week 11 with Rob as Neal tries to find a way to adjust to the new angle of his seat.
Rob is once again joined by Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast as Del and Neal continue to discuss adjustable car seats, bad backs and foot odor.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast rejoins Rob as Del tries to get comfortable while adjusting the passenger side car seat.
It’s a good thing that TSA Mark AKA Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast was on the scene with Rob in order to help save Neal from irreparable damage by the taxi dispatcher.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast joins Rob as Neal tries to find a new way of getting home from St. Louis even when Del almost runs him over.
David of BluePrint: Review is back to finish off the week with Rob as Neal finishes his colorful metaphor diatribe and gets a response from the woman at the counter.
As Neal waits in line to begin his diatribe at the rental car desk, David of BluePrint: Review returns to be shocked along with Rob with his eloquence when he opens his mouth to talk to the girl behind the counter.
Neal makes the trek back to the airport via a shortcut as Rob is once again joined by David of BluePrint: Review.
David of BluePrint: Review is back with Rob as Neal lets out his frustration while chasing his ride back to the airport.
As Del gets insulted and storms angrily out of the cafe, Rob is joined by David of BluePrint: Review in order to see where the Marathon bus will take Neal.
Rob is once joined by Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST to finish off Week 9 as Neal and Del begin an uncomfortable conversation in the bus station cafe.
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST returns to talk to Rob about the tail end of Del’s sales pitches followed by the duo finally having some cash to buy a meal for themselves.
Rob is once again joined by Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST as Del continues to show off his salesman skills and Neal attempts to call home from an ‘icky’ pay phone in the St. Louis Bus Station.
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST is back with Rob as they both try and sing catchy TV tunes to help combat Neal’s version of Three Coins in a Fountain that has seemed to annoy the whole busload of passengers.
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST is this weeks guest and he and Rob have some discussions about being on a movie set from various perspectives as Neal and Del take in their own ‘show’ while on the crowded bus.
Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights is back to finish off the week with Rob as Neal and Dell finally get to the bus terminal in Jefferson City with strange companions and even stranger destinations on board behind them.
Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights returns to discuss with Rob the way that the passengers of the Con-Track train must trudge across the field to get on trucks to Jefferson City as Neal begins to have a change of heart.
Rob and guest Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights wax nostalgia about 80’s TV shows and entertainment magazines of the day as Neal settles in for his trip to St. Louis via the train.
Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights returns to talk with Rob as Dell and Neal must part ways at the train station since there aren’t two seats together while a fire burns brightly from a garbage can in the background.
Del and Neal finish their trip to Stubbsville as Rob is joined by Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights.
Rob finishes off the week with Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute as Neal and Dell reluctantly agree to a ride to Stubsville with Owen and his family.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute returns to discuss with Rob the appearance of Oren and his interesting ways of introducing himself.
As Dell and Neal finish their breakfast and try to plan their next step, Rob and guest Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute discuss the real intentions of these characters, credit cards, gasoline cards and the infamous Chalmers Big and Tall Men’s card.
Rob is rejoined by Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute as Neil and Dell continue to discuss their travel plans while eating breakfast but get interrupted by a big surprise.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute joins Rob as a ‘fake’ snowstorm covers Chicago while Dell and Neal try to have breakfast in the local cafe.
Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) returns to finish off the week with Rob as Neal and Dell come to a startling realization.
Neal and Dell share an intimate morning snuggle as Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) comes back to talk to Rob about this peculiar situation.
Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) is back with Rob as a mysterious figure enters the motel room after Neal and Dell finally go to sleep.
Dell defends himself as Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) comes back to discuss with Rob the situation in the Braidwood Inn.
Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) joins Rob as Neal and Dell’s arguments get more heated.
J-Dub of Dubsism is back to finish off the week as Dell finds a heartfelt way to retort.
J-Dub of Dubsism and Rob watch as Neal jumps out of bed angrily and begins to chew out Dell.
Rob is once again joined by J-Dub of Dubsism as Dell tries unsuccessful to clear his nasal passages which cause lots of problems in this small motel room.
J-Dub of Dubsism is back with Rob as Dell constantly finds ways to disturb Neal’s normal sleep patterns.
As Neal tries to find a way to dry himself off, Rob is joined by J-Dub of Dubsism where the conversation goes to some interesting places like sleeping patterns.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast finishes off Week 4 with Rob as they begin to take inventory of what’s strewn around the bathroom sink.
Neal decides to take a shower while Dell organizes his things in the room as Rob is joined once again by Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast is back with Rob as they watch as the knucklebuster shows up and miraculously isn’t used as it should be.
Rob is once again joined by guest Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast as Dell and Neal finally reach the Braidwood Inn.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast joins Rob as Neal and Dell take a dubious ride in Doobie’s Taxi.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast is back to finish off the week with Rob as Neal tries to decided whether to stay in the airport or venture out with Dell.
While Dell and Neal await information about their flight, Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast returns to join Rob in a discussion about pre-9/11 airport security.
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast returns with Rob to find out what Neal does while trying to explain to his wife Susan how he ended up in Wichita… Wichita, Kansas????
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast is back with Rob as Neal tries to find a way to stay sane while on this flight sitting next to Dell.
Neal settles in to his seat on the plane next to a very talkative Dell as Rob is joined by Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe is back to finish off the week with Rob as Neal does the one thing one should NEVER do when boarding an aircraft…..
Rob is again joined by Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe as Dell tries to make things better by trying to make peace offerings to Neal for inadvertently taking his cab.
Dell and Neal both try and figure out why the other looks very familiar as Rob is once again joined by Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe is back with Rob as Neal is both relieved and despaired that his flight has been delayed.
This week’s guest with Rob is Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe as they get to see the aftermath of Neal’s dealings with Targo AKA – The Lawyer.
Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is here to finish off the inaugural week with Rob as Neal turns to a stranger for some help.
Rob is once again joined by Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as they watch everyone in this minute (and movie) get one degree closer to a youngish Kevin Bacon as he and Neal both fight for the same cab.
Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film returns with Rob to watch as Neal battles the rush hour traffic to get a cab to the airport. Which one? We are never quite sure. Could be JFK or could be Laguardia.
Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film is back with Rob as John and Neal get quite antsy waiting for Bryant to finally make some kind of decision before the holidays.
Rob kicks off Season 2 with guest Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as they try to figure out how to discuss a minute where nothing really happens….
In today’s final episode of Season 1, Rob is once again joined by recurring guest/co-host Jay Cluitt of Deep Blue Sea Podcast and Life Vs Film as they discuss the end credits and also give a thorough recap of the whole season.
Thanks again to all of my guests and listeners for their support over the season.
Hope you’ll all come back tomorrow for the beginning of Season 2!
In the penultimate episode of Season 1, Agent Palmer AKA Jason Stershic is back again with Rob to follow Hilts back to his quarters – The Cooler right before the film’s credits begin to roll.
As Hilts re-enters the camp compound on his way to his ‘room’ in the Cooler, Rob’s guest is Agent Palmer AKA Jason Stershic who has issues with the camp’s policy on the use of baseball gloves in the Cooler.
Pilot Tony Hoskins joins Rob today as they discuss what happened to some of the escapees fighters after being shot down over enemy territory as Hilts is returned to the Camp to greet Von Luger who is on his way out.
Rob had the pleasure to discuss the history of the real escape and escapees with Professor of History, Dr. Jonathan Vance as the returned escapees wonder if it really was worth it
Paddy Flint is back to discuss with Rob about the real escapees as Sedgewick begins to make his way from France to Spain while a bunch of escapees are returned to the camp.