Rob is joined by Paddy Flint, a relative of one of the escapees as they discuss Danny and Willie’s last frames along with Sedgewick seeking his final walk to freedom.
Rob finishes off Week 33 with Musicologist Dr. Becky O’Brien as Ramsey breaks the sad news to the boys but there is a glimmer of hope at the end when Danny and Willie discover a Swedish ship.
Musicologist Dr. Becky O’Brien is back with Rob as Ramsey and Von Luger continue this very very uncomfortable conversation.
Rob is once again joined by Musicologist Dr. Becky O’Brien while Mac and Roger contemplate their futures as Ramsey is summoned to Von Luger’s office to learn some terrible news.
Musicologist Dr. Becky O’Brien is back with Rob to discuss some of the musical motifs of the film as Roger, Mac and the other prisoners are taken to a secluded place to ‘stretch’ their legs.
While Preissen and Dietrich enthusiastically greet their new prisoners, Rob is joined by Musicologist Dr. Becky O’Brien to discuss the musical aspects of this film.
Hugh Keene, designer and host of the National Treasure Minute returns with Rob to finish off week 32 as Bartlett continues to try and talk his way out of getting caught.
Rob is once again joined by Hugh Keene, designer and host of the National Treasure Minute as we get a Bartlett-centric episode where Roger attempts to convince a few Germans that he is not the man they are looking for…
Hugh Keene, designer and host of the National Treasure Minute is back again with Rob to watch Roger and Mac try and find some kind of refuge in this small town from the Nazi’s chasing them.
Hugh Keene, designer and host of the National Treasure Minute is back today with Rob as Mac and Roger try to show off their linguistic skills to the Gestapo.
Rob is joined this week Hugh Keene, designer and host of the National Treasure Minute as Sedgewick hooks up with the underground and Roger and Mac try and find a way to Switzerland.
Screenwriting consultant Howard Casner is back to finish off the week with Rob as the waiter tries to convince Sedgewick that he has a phone call behind the bar.
Rob is once again joined by Screenwriting consultant Howard Casner as we get to see the aftermath of Hilts’ jump and how Sedgewick chooses to spend his early morning in Southern France.
Screenwriting consultant Howard Casner returns to watch and discuss the film’s most exciting and iconic scene with Rob.
Screenwriting consultant Howard Casner is back with Rob as Hendley deals with a deep ketchup gash on his face and Hilts prepares for his escape over the fence.
Rob is joined this week by Screenwriting consultant Howard Casner as they get to see Blythe’s final moments along with Hendley’s attempt to make it right.
Will Slater of Exploding Helicopter is back to finish off the week with Rob as he finally gets something that somewhat resembles an exploding helicopter.
Rob and this week’s guest Will Slater of Exploding Helicopter discuss how the ‘Hills are Alive’ in Bavaria during Hendley and Blythe’s escape towards Switzerland.
Will Slater of Exploding Helicopter returns to talk to Rob about Hilt’s escape by motorcycle while Hendley and Blythe also make a fly-by over a magical castle.
Will Slater of Exploding Helicopter and Rob watch as Blythe does his best not to get an earful while starting the prop of this small plane.
This week’s guest Will Slater of Exploding Helicopter joins Rob as Hendley shows off his martial arts skills while trying to commandeer a small plane to escape.
Joe Amodei, President of Virgil films and Great Escape historian finishes off the week with Rob as they discuss the prisoners in the dungeon along with Hendley and Blythe’s next step in their quest for freedom.
As Cavendish is interrogated by Preissen, Rob is joined again by Joe Amodei, President of Virgil films and Great Escape historian to talk about the ways that try to make him talk and also about Joe’s personal stories about visiting Zagen.
Joe Amodei, President of Virgil films and Great Escape historian once again joins Rob as they discuss the final moments of Ashley-Pitt’s life and Cavendish’s Han Solo moment
Joe Amodei, President of Virgil films and Great Escape historian returns to talk to Rob about Kuntz’s discovery and Ashley-Pitt’s sacrifice.
Rob is joined this week by Joe Amodei, President of Virgil films and Great Escape historian as Bartlett and Mac try to depart the train area.
Steve Jay Rubin, Great Escape historian and expert returns to finish off the week with Rob as Hilts gets ready for a fight before a train enters the crowded station.
This week’s guest, Steve Jay Rubin, Great Escape historian and expert tells Rob how much he loves this minute because it is almost entirely devoted to Hilts and his motorcycle ride through the Bavarian countryside.
Rob and guest Steve Jay Rubin, Great Escape historian and expert discuss how Hilt’s lack of knowledge of German can affect his attempts for freedom.
Steve Jay Rubin, Great Escape historian and expert is back with Rob as Sedgwick, Hilts and Danny and Willie try and make their way to freedom using different modes of transport.
Rob is joined by Steve Jay Rubin, Great Escape historian and expert as Blythe and Hendley try to evade the Gestapo and police on the train.
As the Gestapo begins to check the papers of the various passengers on the train, the escapees try to figure out how they can get away, Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl and Rob close out the first week of 2022.
Rob and this week’s guest Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl finally get to hear the film’s magic word as many of the escapees try to get across the country via the railway.
Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl returns to discuss with Rob the boating adventures of Willie and Danny, the motorcycle jaunt of Hilts and the experience of riding a train through German occupied lands.
Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl is back today to talk with Rob about the chosen escape routes and methods of Hilts, Cavendish and the dynamic duo – Willie and Danny.
Rob is joined by Jeanette of the Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl as they watch Sedgewick and Hilts try various methods of escape across the lush Bavarian countryside.
To finish off Week 26, Simon of the Movie Moustache returns as Roger and Mac find themselves in a very strange situation and need to think quickly in order to survive it.
Simon of the Movie Moustache is back again with Rob as the escaped prisoners get ready to board the train before they get caught by the authorities.
Simon of the Movie Moustache returns to the train station with Rob as many of the prisoners anxiously await the train to arrive.
Rob is once again joined by Simon of the Movie Moustache as the guards finish their count and we get to see some of the prisoners show up at the local train station.
Rob begins to assess the repercussions of the escape with this week’s guest Simon of the Movie Moustache as Strachwitz gathers up the prisoners who have yet to get out of the tunnel, followed by an official counting of those that remained behind.
Happy Holidays to One and All! Welcome to another bonus episode of The Great Escape Minute. Rob chatted with Christophe Espenan, Director and Producer of The Coolest Guy Movie Ever: Return to the Scene of The Great Escape (2018) where they discuss why it was so important for Christoph to get this documentary made, his journey in getting this film released and how The Great Escape affected his life and the lives of so many others decades after it was made. Thanks again to Christophe for his time to talk despite English not being his first language, but the international language of Cinema and The Great Escape shines the whole way through.
Escape Week comes to a close as Griffiths and Cavendish cause even more trouble for everyone as guest Lisa Leaheey of The Sibs List and The Between the Scares Podcast and Rob are on the edge of their seats.
We’re at the penultimate episode of Escape Week as Rob and guest Lisa Leaheey of The Sibs List and The Between the Scares Podcast watch in horror as Cavendish makes a lot of noise and trips on his package, alerting Frick.
Escape Week hits its midpoint with guest Lisa Leaheey of The Sibs List and The Between the Scares Podcast and Rob getting to see Sedgwick, Roger and Mac making it out of the tunnel while they pass along info to the rest of the prisoners in line to escape starting with the elusive Cavendish.
Escape Week continues as guest Lisa Leaheey of The Sibs List and The Between the Scares Podcast and Rob watch as Willie, Danny, Haynes, Nimmo and a few no name prisoners make it out of the hole into the woods.
Escape Week begins with Rob being joined by Lisa Leaheey of The Sibs List and The Between the Scares Podcast as the escapees must deal with an air raid blackout.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast is back to finish off week 24 with Rob as Danny and Willie decide that it’s time for their escape down the tunnel.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast returns to discuss with Rob Sedgewick’s overweight carry-on luggage.
Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast is back with Rob as Hendley and Blythe journey down the tunnel in an attempt for freedom.
Goon Mark is on duty while Rob and guest Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast look on as the prisoners begin to implement Hilt’s idea of how to deal with the fact that the tunnel doesn’t reach the forest.
Rob is joined for week 24 by Mark Hofmeyer of Movies, Films & Flix and The Deep Blue Sea Podcast as they try and figure out the math of how much rope is truly needed if one is still short of the forest.
Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute returns to finish off the week with Rob as Hilts explains to Roger and Mac how he plans to once again save the day.
Rob is back with Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute as Hilts takes a look around to see how far he has to go for freedom.
Rob is once again joined by Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute as Blind as a bat Colin is helped into the tunnel by Segewick and Hendley.
Guest Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute is back with Rob as Danny and Willie emerge from the tunnel and almost give it all away by opening the window.
Rob is joined by Eric Deutsch of The Flash Gordon Minute and The Escape From New York Minute as Roger and Mac cross paths with Danny and Willie as each team goes in opposite directions in the tunnel.
Rob finished off the week with guest Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe as Roger, Ashley-Pitt and Mac enter the barracks on their way to the tunnel.
Rob is once again joined by guest Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe as Roger and co finish their meeting with the SBO as they make their way from barracks to barracks.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe returns with Rob as the prisoners start to show up in the barracks for their turn to get to the tunnel.
Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe is back with Rob as the prisoners start to get nervous while waiting for the electricity to be turned on.
Rob is joined this week by guest Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek and Out Now With Aaron and Abe as Hilts is (once again) released from the Cooler and meets up with Mac to discuss Intel.
Father David Mowry is back with Rob for the final day of Week 21 and the final day of Donald Pleasence Appreciation Week as Blythe makes tea following Hendley’s proposal to Roger.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all as the debate between Hendley and Roger rages on about the burdens of command. Rob is once again joined by guest Father David Mowry.
Father David Mowry returns again to watch Hendley debate with Roger about the risks of escape with Rob on Day 3 of the Donald Pleasence Appreciation Week.
Father David Mowry is back with Rob for Donald Pleasence Appreciation Week as Blythe tries to convince Roger that he is fit to travel with every one else.
Rob opens the week with Father David Mowry as they watch Blythe try to deceive Roger about his eyesight.
James Wilson of Blogging By Cinemalight is back to finish off the week with Rob as Roger comes to the barracks to speak to Blythe and Hendley.
Danny and Willie continue their debate about going under or over as Rob is once again joined by James Wilson of Blogging By Cinemalight.
James Wilson of Blogging By Cinemalight is back with Rob as Blythe mistakens his roommate for someone else.
James Wilson of Blogging By Cinemalight and Rob watch as Mac’s interrogation of Haines turns into an unexpected foreshadow.
Rob is joined this week by James Wilson of Blogging By Cinemalight as Blythe begins to start feeling the effects of Progressive Myopia.
Danny deals with a cave-in and Blythe gets upset with Smitty as Eric Nash of Feels Like Weezer and The Almost Famous Minute finished off the week with Rob.
Eric Nash of Feels Like Weezer and The Almost Famous Minute is back again to discuss Hilts’ return to the Cooler and how Danny needs to escape yet another cave-in.
Rob is once again joined by guest Eric Nash of Feels Like Weezer and The Almost Famous Minute as Hilts is returned to the camp and searched thoroughly by the guards.
Eric Nash of Feels Like Weezer and The Almost Famous Minute is back with Rob to discuss how one makes an escape at night in order to confuse the guards the following day.
After ending on a somber moment last week, Rob is joined by Eric Nash of Feels Like Weezer and The Almost Famous Minute to discuss Hilts’ reaction to the events of last week.
It may have taken 90 minutes of screen time, but the first onscreen death occurs as Rob and guest J-Dub of Dubsism finish off week 18 of the show.
J-Dub of Dubsism is back again with Rob to watch the tension rise on screen as the Goons discover Tom causing lots of commotion in the Camp.
Mac and Ives begin to sing some Scottish songs while Werner makes a startling discovery as J-Dub of Dubsism rejoins Rob for another tense day in Stalag Luft III.
J-Dub of Dubsism returns as to celebrate passing the half way mark of this podcast with Rob as the characters begin to get worried about the search in the barracks.
Rob is joined this week by J-Dub of Dubsism as Hilts, Bartlett and Ramsey continue their uncomfortable chit chat, luckily, Strachwitz and two of his goons are able to distract them.
Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast returns to finish off the week with Rob as Hilts has a very awkward conversation with Roger, Mac and Ramsey.
Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast is back to talk to Rob about the effects of moonshine on the prisoners in the camp.
Rob and guest Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast try to decipher why Hilts keeps warning everyone not to get any drops of the moonshine on their clothes.
Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast is back to discuss with Rob the continuing party in the camp while the character all come out of the woodwork for the free booze.
Rob is joined by Bryon Lockhart of The Marine Corps Movie Minute Podcast and of The Marvel Events Podcast as the July 4th festivities begin in the camp at the crack of dawn!
The trio of Americans in the camp, (Hendley, Hilts and Goff) continue to test their new concoction while Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday returns with Rob to close out the week.
The return of what may be the most outrageous item in the camp is discussed by Rob and guest Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday as they also debate the amount of poison these characters seem to be drinking along the way.
Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday once again returns as he and Rob talk about how intelligent is Intelligence and what one might do with a few wheelbarrows full of potatoes.
Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday is back with Rob as they discuss the methods of measuring tunnels and rippling ceilings filled with dirt.
Cavendish and Hilts have a chance encounter in the cramped barracks while Nick Rehak of French Toast Sunday joins Rob for a debate about whether he truly is the foil of the movie and about how this room is decorated.
Duncan Shields of The Time Bandits Minute is here to finish off the week with Rob as they talk about new and interesting ways to gather wood for shoring up the tunnels.
Luke Allen of the Love, Rosie Podcast and is today’s guest and he and Rob discuss (among other things), the proper way to get dirt out of one’s mouth while tunnel digging!
Sean German of the Next Scene Podcast joins Rob today and they discuss cave-ins, cave-ins and even more cave-ins!
Curtis Bloise of The Better Off Dead Minute and upcoming Time Bandits Minute is today’s guest and he joins Rob for a very detailed discussion about camera lenses and various extracurricular activities in Stalag Luft III.
Tom and Rob were joined by Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute to talk about chess strategies and Werner’s quest to find his lost wallet.
Rob and Guest Co-Host Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog finish off the week with Guest Don Whistance of The Great Escape Locations Website as they discuss some of the most famous filming locations along with a debate about what really happened in this minute. Go to the Facebook page to cast you vote in our poll.
Guest Don Whistance of The Great Escape Locations Website is back with Rob and Guest Co-Host Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog as Mac and Roger keep trying to get Hilts to agree to do their dirty work once he gets thru the wire on his own.
Guest Co-Host Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog joins Rob once again with Guest Don Whistance of The Great Escape Locations Website as they watch how the discussion between Hilts, Mac and Roger plays out.
Rob is back with Guest Co-Host Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog and Don Whistance of The Great Escape Locations Website as they discuss Hilts’ plans after being released once again from the The Cooler.
Don Whistance of The Great Escape Locations Website joins Rob and Guest Co-Host Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog as the three of them discuss men’s fashion in Stalag Luft III as the POW’s prepare for their escape.
Tom and Rob once again are joined by Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST in order to close out the week with more discussions about Nazi documents and what one might keep in their wallet.
This week’s guest Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST is back for another episode in order to discuss signals and Nazi documents with Rob and Tom.
Tom and Rob are joined once again by Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST as they try to decipher the coded messages within Blythe’s lecture about the Masked Shrike (Lanius Nubicus).
Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST surprises Rob and Tom with his knowledge about pickpocketing as Hendley uses slight of hand to grab Werner’s wallet filled with lots of important documents.
This week’s guest Richard Kirkham of Kirkham: A Movie A Day and the host of the LAMBCAST joins Tom and Rob as they discuss what kind of chocolate is in the packages that Hendley tries to give Werner as a present.
Rob finishes off Week 12 with guest Dana Nachman, Award winning Documentary filmmaker as they continue to talk about the International organization of the Boy Scouts, The Hitler Youth and question how old Werner is suppose to be, especially given the problems with his teeth.
Award winning Documentary filmmaker Dana Nachman returns to discuss The Boy Scouts, Shakespeare and the Bible with Rob as Hendley and Werner continue their deep discussions of life during wartime.
As Sedgwick and his crew work on the air pumps, Rob is joined again by Dana Nachman, Award winning Documentary filmmaker who then move on to discuss the seduction of Werner by Hendley.
Guest – Award winning Documentary filmmaker Dana Nachman is back once again with Rob to continue to salivate over the X Organization goodies followed by some cheerful caroling in the summertime.
With Tom still in The Cooler this week, Rob was joined by Guest – Award winning Documentary filmmaker Dana Nachman to check out the goodies that Mac has rounded up from the X Organization to be used to bribe the guards in the camp.
Rob finishes off Week 11 with guest Tony Cogan of Coogs Reviews as Von Luger shows up with his entourage trying to uncover how these Allied officers manage to garden piles of dirt.
Tony Cogan of Coogs Reviews returns once again as he and Rob learn about even more methods of camouflaging dirt around the compound with the help of officers marching around the quad.
Rob is joined once again by Guest Tony Cogan of Coogs Reviews as they continue to discuss methods of dispersing dirt around the compound.
Guest Tony Cogan of Coogs Reviews is back again as he and Rob along with MacDonald, Roger, Danny and Willie try to figure out what Ashley-Pitt is doing with his socks.
With Tom in the Cooler once again for the week, Rob is joined by Guest Tony Cogan of Coogs Reviews to try and figure out what to do with dirt of a different color.
Rob and Tom finish off the week with Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast as Hilts and Ives finally get approval for their “perfect” escape plan.
Guest Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast adds a lot to the discussion with Tom and Rob as Hilts explains his ingenious idea on how to borrow out of the camp like a mole.
Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast is back with Rob and Tom as the top brass in the camp discuss the idea of being wire happy and whether to allow for a new solo blitz to occur or not.
Tom, Rob and returning guest Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast try to figure out how many days Hilts actually was in the Cooler based on the marks on the wall.
Rob and Tom are joined this week by Guest Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast as they talk about the dangers of digging tunnels at night in the latrine.
Tyson Ferris returns to finish off the week with Rob as they discuss tools for trade of tunnel making as well as Tyson’s personal connection to WWII and POW camps.
Rob and guest Tyson Ferris talk about the significance of the number 17 as well as how much stamina is needed when breaking ground on a new tunnel.
Tyson Ferris is back with Rob in order to discuss the various diversionary tactics used by the prisoners as they get ready to ‘break ground’ on the tunnel under the stove AKA “Tom”.
Tyson Ferris joins Rob again today as the captives launch a “wet” diversion in order to steal ‘extraneous’ parts from under a truck.
With Tom stuck in the Cooler this week, Rob and guest Tyson Ferris learn how Blythe got captured and then move along to bunk assignments for the X Teams and their specialized work.
Rob has a special conversation with one of the three The Great Escape cast members still alive, David McCallum (Eric Ashley-Pitt) as he tells of his experiences making the movie, viewing it for the first time and how it changed his life for the better.
Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) returns to finish off week 8 with Rob and Tom as Hendley scrounges up a present for Blythe in order to help make him feel more civilized in the camp.
Hendley learns much about his new roommate and then goes out to scrounge some wood for them as Tom and Rob are once again joined by Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community)
As Hendley meets his new roommate, Rob and Tom discuss the finer points of Swiss Army Knives with guest Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community).
Guest Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) joins Tom and Rob once again as Roger finishes his lecture which allows Hendley to find some alone time.
Roger continues to lay out his plan for escape to the entire X Organization as Rob and Tom are joined by Jim O’Kane of (as well as being godfather of the MxM community) for a week of tunnel digging planning.
WWII author JD Keene closes out Week 7 with Tom and Rob as the planning of the escape gets under way.
The X Organization finally have their first meeting as Rob and Tom are joined once again by WWII author JD Keene.
Tom and Rob talk with guest WWII author JD Keene about the difficult task awaiting Bartlett, Ramsey and the rest of the X Organization as they get ready to plan their escape from Stalag Luft III.
WWII author JD Keene rejoins Rob and Tom as Ramsey and Bartlett continue their debate about the risk of escape.
Tom and Rob are joined by WWII author JD Keene as they watch the homecoming of two old friends Bartlett and Ramsey who discuss the idea of escape.
Justin of Stinker Madness finishes off Week 6 with Tom and Rob as Bartlett gets comfortable in Stalag Luft III.
Justin of Stinker Madness is back to watch with Rob and Tom the hand-off of Bartlett from the Gestapo to the Luftwaffe to eventually end up in the compound with the rest of the prisoners.
The faceoff between the Gestapo, The SS and The Luftwaffe continues as guest Justin of Stinker Madness joins Tom and Rob once again.
Tom, Rob and guest Justin of Stinker Madness try to figure out why the Germans are so suspicious of Richard Attenborough and why he seems to be getting special treatment from them.
Justin of Stinker Madness joins Rob and Tom as Hilts hatches a new plan on how to get out of the camp by filling Ives in on this brilliant new idea. The rest of the crew look around at their new camp.
Tierney Steele of One Steele Sister is back to finish off the week with Tom and Rob as Hilts begins to whisper at a level where only Ives can hear him.
Rob and Tom continue their debate with Tierney Steele of One Steele Sister about who is cooler; Hilts or McQueen.
Tierney Steele of One Steele Sister rejoins Tom and Rob as Hilts and Ives are locked in their rooms in the Cooler and have completely different reactions to it.
Tierney Steele of One Steele Sister is back again to talk to Rob and Tom about the man known as Hilts and how important his rank is to him and to his status in the camp Cool–aaa.
Tom and Rob are joined this week by guest Tierney Steele of One Steele Sister as they watch Hilts try and get out of his new dilemma which is helped by Ives giving a memorable sound off from the crowd.
Rob finishes off the week with Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast as Hilts tries to explain his way out of getting shot on multiple levels.
Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast joins Rob once again as they meet Archibald Ives with his perky personality, while Hilts decides to attempt to “roll the ball”.
Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast is back again to discuss with Rob the mysterious presents hiding within the Evergreens that are leaving Stalag Luft III.
Once again, Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast joins Rob as the discuss the ‘LOVELY’ dialogue between Danny and Sedgewick as they both attempt to leave the compound with the Russian Prisoners.
Rob is joined by Guest Todd Liebenow of The Forgotten Filmcast as they watch the genesis of various escape attempts by Hilts, Sedgewick and Danny from this new camp.
Hilts lays out his new escape plan to Goff while Tom, Rob and guest Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute eagerly await what will happen when the ball is let go.
The Prison Camp’s token Colonial Prisoners (Haynes and Sedgewick) begin a fight in order to distract the guards, but Rob, Tom and Guest Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute aren’t fooled by their antics at all.
Tom and Rob are once again joined by Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute as they discuss the first attempts of some of the prisoners to make a quick blitz out of the camp.
Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute is back with Rob and Tom as they continue their civics discussion with Werner and Hendley and then join Hilts as he begins to scope out the wire.
Tom and Rob are joined by Jon Bampton (J-Bam) of The Dirty Harry Minute as they discuss the end of the initial conversation between Von Luger and Ramsey and then begin a civics discussion with Werner and Hendley.
Rob and Tom finish off week 2 with Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog as the three of them discuss the continuing argument between Ramsey and Von Luger about the duties of officers in captivity.
Once again, Jay Cluitt of The Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog is back with Tom and Rob as the three of them join Ramsey watching Von Luger go thru the dossiers and escape history of various prisoners in the camp.
Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog is back again and discusses with Rob and Tom the code of conduct that both sides of this war try to abide by. Is this a good thing or not?
Danny and Willie do a quick survey of the distance to the trees which allows Tom and Rob time to discuss with guest Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog whether there really was a time designated as Escape Season or not.
Rob and Tom are joined by Jay Cluitt of the Deep Blue Sea Podcast, Life Vs. Film and The Large Ass Movie Blog as they try and decipher who is the biggest foil of the film while the prisoners begin to get a feel for their new camp.
The prisoners begin to scout out the camp while Tom and Rob discover more surprise items that the prisoners have somehow brought with them to their new camp.
As the prisoners disembark from the trucks, Rob and Tom start to talk about the layout of the camp and the various surprise items that these prisoners have brought with them.
Tom and Rob finally get to discuss Stalag Luft III as the prisoners arrive.
Rob and Tom talk about the second minute of the film where the credits continue and the trucks still travel through the countryside.
Tom and Rob discuss the first minute of the film as the credits roll over the traveling transports thru the German countryside.
Episode 000 of The Great Escape Minute Podcast